Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Alumni Photography Critique

The photo I chose to critique from the Alumni Photography exhibit was Julie Hamel's Untitled digital print from 2016. In this black and white photo, we see a little girl, perhaps within the ages of 5 and 10, struggling to hold a bird. The species of bird is unknown, although it seems to be a small turkey or chicken. The bird shows reluctance towards the little girl and we can see that because it's blurry, obviously trying to escape the little girl's grasp.
The colors used to compose this photograph are different tones of black, white and gray. The shapes I see that compose this photo are either triangles or rectangles. The scene is somewhere outdoors in open grass. The scene is seemingly a young girl that clearly has a love for animals but has yet to learn or understand how to "properly" interact with them. She is brave and curious, stubborn and innocent, passionate and loving.

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