Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Homework for 9/15

I chose Larry Sultan's Los Angeles, Early Evening (1986) out of the three images given to write about. Although all three of the photographs we had the option of choosing were beautiful, I was torn between Nicholas Nixon's Bebe and I and this one. The color palette in this photograph really stood out to me. The contrast between warm and cool colors gives it a hazy feel that absolutely sets up an evening’s atmosphere. I thought it was rather interesting how the grass and flowers are all seemingly fertile, and yet the tree has no leaves on it. I can imagine that would pull in the viewer because it’s a bit mysterious, in terms of what season it may be.
It wasn’t until after I chose to write about this photo when I realized there was an old man standing in the doorway. Perhaps he is looking out at his backyard after a long day of working on it, which I would presume because of the ladder and gardening tools he has lying around the grass. The tree embelishes movement across the photograph which continues at the roof of the house. I can not tell if there is wire wrapped around the branches of the tree, or if those are just the branches. The grass and bushes have a rich texture which balance out the house that seems to have none other than the roof.

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